Undergraduates who anticipate graduate study in Crop Science at Washington State University should have a solid B.S. level background in mathematics, chemistry, and the biological sciences.
Acceptance of qualified applicants is generally dependent upon availability of research support and a suitable advisor.
Statement of Professional Goals: Please address such issues as interests, anticipated thesis research or areas of research interest, career objectives, experiences in research and teaching, and financial ability.
GRE (optional, but encouraged) ETS code 4705.
Language Requirements for international students. Please refer to the detailed information on the Graduate School site. Applicants who are required to submit exam scores will be held incomplete until those are received.
Three letters of recommendation: Once you choose your three recommenders, be sure to inform them that they will be completing the recommendation electronically and ask that they monitor their inbox for your recommendation request (which will come from gradcasinfo@liasoncas.com), including any junk or spam folders.
Submit unofficial transcripts from all colleges and universities attended. If the transcripts are not in English, an unofficial copy of the transcript in the applicant's native language, along with its English translation, is acceptable. These transcripts should be uploaded through the online application. It is important to note that once the transcripts are submitted, they become part of the official Graduate School application file and cannot be returned or transferred. Foreign Credential and Transcript Evaluation is not required.
Acceptance of qualified applicants is generally dependent upon availability of research support and a suitable advisor. 540 TOEFL Minimum score
75 TOEFLI Minimum score
GRE not required, but strongly encouraged
The minimum acceptable IELTS score is 6.5
Applicants with at least a B (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) grade point Avg, or the equivalent in the last 60 graded semester (90 quarter) hours, from an accredited college or university, or at least a B grade point Avg in any graduate work from a recognized graduate school are eligible for admission to regular student status.

- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:75
- 托福笔试总分:540
- 其他语言考试:Pearson Test for English- 56
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
作物科学专业领域包括植物遗传学和作物育种,作物生理学以及作物生态,管理和生产。尽管学生可以选择专注于一个领域,但可以为整合两个或多个领域的研究生研究项目提供绝佳的机会。植物育种和遗传学研究计划包括改良春冬小麦,大麦,油料作物,豌豆,小扁豆和其他豆类,以及研究藜麦等替代作物。植物育种和遗传学系教授使用最先进的设备和方法进行遗传,基因组,分子遗传和表型分析,这些分析在田间,温室和实验室环境中进行。从模型系统到小农户的参与式选种,我们的教师运用综合而全面的方法来解决现实世界中的农作物生产问题。<br> <br>
We offer MS and PhD degrees in Crop Science and Soil Science, with the ability to focus research in a variety of specialized areas within each discipline. Current research foci in Crop Science include plant breeding, genomics, molecular genetics, grass management, and weed science. We work with wheat, forages, barley, alternative grains (quinoa, spelt, oats), grain legumes, brassicas and turf. The Soil Science program features research in biogeochemistry, microbiology, nutrient management, the rhizosphere and vadose zone hydrology. Crop and Soil Science faculty also lead collaborative research on organic, sustainable and precision agriculture and cropping systems. Program options in human dimensional areas include agricultural education and rural sociology.