会计是毕业后就可以成为某些领域的领域之一。无论您是注册会计师还是非注册会计师,都能说自己是会计师会在将来为您打开大门。实际上,即使经济不景气,总也需要会计师。UIndy是一所获得认可的大学,其毕业生拥有150个学分的资格,可以参加印第安纳州的CPA考试以获得公共会计执照。要获得120个学士学位的额外30小时学分,您可以选择参加BS / MBA加速课程或双专业。拥有传统的四年制会计学位,您可以在私人和政府会计中找到工作,并有资格获得其他专业证书,包括注册管理会计师,注册内部审计师和注册欺诈检查官。
Accounting is one of those areas where you get to be something once you've graduated. Whether you pursue the CPA or non-CPA track, being able to say you're an accountant will open doors for you in the future. In fact, there's always a need for accountants, even when the economy takes a downturn. Applied Learning is the key to the UIndy School of Business. From managing a portfolio of real money in the UIndy Student Fund to working directly with clients on project management, UIndy student learn by doing. Both undergraduate and graduate courses are taught by dedicated faculty, many of whom have many years of real-world experience they bring to the classroom. In addition to the classroom, students gain valuable internship experiences at nearly 100 different businesses each year and are well-prepared to enter the job market or advance in their careers upon graduation.