

Doctor of Philosophy in English - English Language


The University of British Columbia


  • 学历文凭



  • 专业院系


    Department of English Language & Literatures

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  • 课程学费




UBC welcomes applications for admission from outstanding students from all countries. Students from most English-language universities may apply directly to the PhD program after completing an MA in their own country. However, because of differences in language and university instruction, it is UBC policy that students from some universities will be considered only for MA studies at UBC after completing an honours BA and MA in their own country, both with first-class standing.

Applicants to either the MA or the PhD programs from a university outside Canada in which English is not the primary language of instruction must provide results of an English language proficiency examination as part of the application. This requirement is in place in order to provide evidence of English abilities to the Admission Committee and in order to be competitive in our program. Near-native fluency is required for admittance to our program.

Acceptable Tests

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) – The graduate program in English requires a minimum test score of 104 (web-based).
IELTS (International English Language Testing Service) – The graduate program in English requires applicants achieve a minimum score of 7.5 with no component less than 7.0 for consideration.

UBC's general requirements for admission to the PhD are laid out on the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies website, click here to consult these requirements.

The Department of English expects applicants for the PhD program to hold a first-class MA degree in English language or literature. Advanced degrees in closely-related disciplines (for example, other literatures) may, particularly when combined with an undergraduate English degree, constitute sufficient preparation for the PhD, students are urged to seek advising as to the suitability of their backgrounds and project for the PhD in English.

While there are no formal area requirements for the PhD, students should expect either to demonstrate or, in the course of their PhD coursework, to develop, broad experience of literatures in English, and/or English language, appropriate to support both their research projects and their future careers as researchers and teachers.

In exceptional cases, students accepted into the MA program with a first-class Honours BA may apply to transfer into the PhD program at the end of the first year, provided that they have completed at least 18 credits of the MA program with a first-class average and can supply two letters of support giving evidence of research ability. The Graduate Committee will determine the additional number of credits to be completed.

In extraordinary cases, students may be allowed to enter the PhD program following a first-class Honours BA. The Graduate Committee will determine if extra course work is to be required, on a case by case basis. Statement of Intent. Please provide/upload a statement that describes the specific nature of the research you propose to conduct during your MA (maximum length=500 words, single-spaced, Times Roman 12pt font) or PhD (maximum length=1,000 words, single-spaced, Times Roman 12pt font) degree studies. Three letters of academic recommendation, Transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended
  • 雅思总分:7.5
  • 托福网考总分:104
  • 托福笔试总分:160
  • 其他语言考试:NA

申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。


The UBC English Graduate Program, one of the most vibrant and wide-ranging in Canada, has been awarding the M.A. degree since 1919. Students may earn the degree in each of two areas: English Literature and English Language. Indeed, the UBC English Department is one of the few departments in North America to offer a language program in addition to its literary programs.<br><br>English Language<br><br>The English Language program includes specializations in history and structure of language, discourse and genre analysis, and history and theory of rhetoric. Faculty members in the Language program teach and supervise research in descriptive linguistics, historical linguistics, cognitive linguistics, functional grammar, semantics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, stylistics, genre studies, and history and theory of rhetoric. Students in the English Literature program can take advantage of Language graduate courses, recent offerings include courses on reported speech and its rhetorical versatility across genres, the uses of classical rhetoric for contemporary critical practice, and cognitive approaches to the language of literature. By the same token, Language students can take advantage of the wide variety of Literature courses our department offers.<br><br>English Literature<br><br>The English Literature program includes specializations across the periods, genres, and major figures of British, North American and World Literature in English. Current research initiatives on the part of faculty include such diverse topics as the ecocritical study of Renaissance drama, the triumph of transport in Romantic poetry, the impact of radio and television on modernist poetics, the politics of post-identity in Asian American literature, and the role of war and its traumatic shocks in twentieth-century Canadian, U.S. and British literature. Graduate students can also choose to work across disciplinary fields, taking advantage of UBC's outstanding interdisciplinary programs in Medieval Studies, Canadian and U.S. Studies, Studies in Sexuality, and Science and Technology Studies, among others.


  • 预科预科
  • 奖学金奖学金
  • 实习机会实习机会
  • 在校学习在校学习
  • 跨境学习跨境学习
  • 校园授课-线上开始校园授课-线上开始
  • 在线/远程学习在线/远程学习





  • 排名




英属哥伦比亚大学成立于1908年,是《不列颠哥伦比亚省大学法案》通过后,为满足不列颠哥伦比亚省民众对高等教育的需求而创立的,最初名为麦吉尔大学英属哥伦比亚学院(McGill University College of British Columbia),并至1915年学位皆通过麦吉尔大学授予。经过两年的努力,大学的校区最终在1910年被定在温哥华,并开始建设校园.后于1915年获批独立,更名为英属哥伦比亚大学并延续至今,是不列颠哥伦比亚省历史最悠久的大学。它是Universitas 21(大学的国际性协会)的创建成员之一,它在教学和科研方面都享有国际声誉。该校起初为研究性合作机构,后来逐渐发展为一所综合性大学。100年的时间里UBC已发展成为享誉加拿大的高等学府和全球著名的综合性大学之一,其卓越的学术水平和广泛的专业设置使其成为了众多学子所向往的顶尖大学。在整个北美洲基于科研成果而成立的公司数量,UBC大学名列第三,仅次于麻省理工学院和斯坦福大学。UBC大学在加拿大连续多年被权威杂志《麦克林杂志》评为博士级大学综合排名第二名。该校是加拿大最难申请的大学之一,申请的学生不仅需要优异的学术成绩并且需要有优异的课外活动成绩如领导经历,大赛奖项等。学校为了挑选尖而又尖的人才, 每年将近有30%的学生从不同的院系中被淘汰。英属哥伦比亚大学集教学与科研于一身,它涉及的领域非常广泛,提供人文、自然科学、医学、法学、商学等领域的本科、研究生课程及一些专业课程。UBC师资力量雄厚,教学与科研水平都处于世界领先水平。在世界五十强院校中,UBC是加拿大仅有的两所院校中的一所,此外,在北美院校排名中,UBC也稳居前十强。该校著名的学者与教授中就有1999年诺贝尔经济学奖得主有欧元之父之称罗伯特·蒙代尔和1993年诺贝尔化学奖得主迈克尔·斯密斯教授。UBC的人类学博物馆是温哥华市十大游览景点之一,收藏着整个北美大陆西北土著文化里最好的艺术和手工艺品。UBC还拥有一个海洋生物研究站,两个研究农场,一个世界最大的亚原子回旋加速器。此外,UBC的计算机网络也是一流的,它有5个中央主机,分别用于教学、科研、行政管理与图书馆,全校有2,000多个终端与当地、全国和国际计算机网络相连。基于学校各方面的强大优势,学校为学生们提供了大量的实践机会,能够很好的将理论与实际的研究相结合。




